This blog has a new home

This blog has moved from it’s old home at to its own domain at The move should be transparent to subscribers of the feedburner feed – at most there will be a few duplicate entries in the feed as the old posts are imported into the new setup.

So why the move? The main reason was because I found the blogger interface a bit cumbersome for posts that involved source code. I was underwhelmed by the presentation of source code that resulted from <code> and <pre> tags. It was also a pain to have to remember to properly handle the angle brackets and ampersands in the code. I decided to move from blogger to WordPress so that I could take advantage of it’s syntax highlighting plugin which is based on the syntaxhighlighter Google Code project by Alex Gorbatchev. Check out the following snippet – cool or what?


using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "Hello World" << endl;     return 0; }[/sourcecode] Rather than moving the blog from to something like or I decided to move the blog to it's own domain. Since the blog was entitled "Software Ramblings" and the domain of the same name was miraculously free, my mind was made up.